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Pregnancy, birth and motherhood facilitator

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'2018/02/12 12:53:21 PM'

The Full Circle Pregnancy Retreat Over the last 2 decades supporting women and their families, I have found that a pregnant woman (usually a first-time mom) places a great deal of value, time and energy on creating a nursery or baby’s room to help get her head in the right place for baby’s arrival. This retreat allows pregnant women the time and space to prepare at all levels – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Having given many ‘connect with baby’ workshops and Blessingways for individual women, I have now weaved together a day with other pregnant women to celebrate, ready yourselves and your babies for the transition to motherhood, using yoga, art expression (no artists required!), hypnosis, NLP, meditation, visualisation and space. Taking time out during your pregnancy can help you to relax and connect with your baby, especially when, in the busyness of life, it’s often hard to find the time to slow down. I am offering a one day retreat to support you through this journey. The retreat invites you to explore yourself deeper as you prepare for the birth of your baby; to acknowledge the commitment and energy involved in being a mother, and to open up all the positive, nurturing energy that is available for you to receive. It offers you a safe space to confront and embrace the complex emotions of your pregnancy journey – your fears, excitement, uncertainties; the tenderness you feel being in this journey; and the courage and power growing in you all the time towards this birth. While you focus on the health and wellbeing of your growing baby inside you, remember to also care for yourself! Feel nourished – body, mind & soul. • Celebrate your pregnancy journey with other pregnant women. • Eat delicious food. • Practice sacred yoga. • Create space for your baby in your life. • Experience your pregnancy in meaningful and personal ways. • Receive special goodies. • Be honoured for the work that is involved in growing a child. • Connect with other pregnant women. For more info and dates contact Theoni on 083 229 3253 or